ruby by ritu

This rare gem gets its colour from traces of the element chromium. Found in a variety of shades ranging from pink to a dark red, the blood red or the pigeon-blood shade of red holds the most premium place among other rubies. Rubies normally have inclusions and ones without it are very rare to find.
Ruby DescriptionVALUABLE
Ruby can command the highest price of all coloured stones.
Mogok mines in Myanmar (Burma) produces best rubies in the world.
In the world of gemstones, ruby is considered king of all gemstones.
Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra
Species: Corundum
Composition: Al2O3, Aluminium Oxide
Crystal System: Trigonal
Colour: Red
Refractive Index: 1.760 -1.778
Specific Gravity: 3.99- 4.00
Fluorescence: Strong, Carmine red
ispersion: 0.018
Most of the rubies sold in the market these days are heated or treated in one way or the other. The most common treatment for ruby is heat, and lead glass filling. In heat treatment, ruby mineral is heated at high temperatures, sometimes at melting point of ruby, with certain chemicals to enhance or reduce its colour. Heat treatment also impacts the clarity of the gemstone. Under glass filling treatment, a foreign substance, usually lead, is inserted in the gemstone to enhance its durability, and appearance.
More on treatments Effects of Ruby GemstoneFACTS
Species: Corundum
Composition: Al2O3, Aluminium Oxide
Crystal System: Trigonal
Colour: Red
Refractive Index: 1.760 -1.778
Specific Gravity: 3.99- 4.00
Fluorescence: Strong, Carmine red
ispersion: 0.018

Its hardness on the Mohs scale stands at a striking 9/10, whereas the diamond stands at 10/10. Its resistance to scratches, makes it a good choice for everyday wear.
Symbolic meaning
Ruby has been considered a sign of romantic love for a long time. This king of gem also symbolizes passion, energy and success.
Astrological belief
As per Vedic astrology, ruby has been believed to provide the one wearing it with mental strength and also bring in name and fame. Apart from the above, rubies are also known for their protective properties and can also bring passion and happiness into the wearer's life.
Most of the rubies sold in the market these days are heated or treated in one way or the other. The most common treatment for ruby is heat, and lead glass filling. In heat treatment, ruby mineral is heated at high temperatures, sometimes at melting point of ruby, with certain chemicals to enhance or reduce its colour. Heat treatment also impacts the clarity of the gemstone. Under glass filling treatment, a foreign substance, usually lead, is inserted in the gemstone to enhance its durability, and appearance.
More on treatments Effects of Ruby GemstoneTIPS AND ADVICE
The prices of fine-quality rubies have been breaking auction records.

Colour Finest ruby has a pure, vibrant red to slightly purplish red hue. Medium to medium dark tones are preferred.

A natural ruby shall always have inclusions; one should look out for visible inclusions. Ruby with fewer inclusions are always preferred. Clearer rubies are rare to find and their price fetch multi million rupees.

Burmese rubies are considered to be the best in the world. Their unique colour and glow make them rare and valuable. India, Mozambique, Africa and Madagascar are some other important sources.

Certification of a gemstone based on parameters set by the gem industry is of outmost importance due to the presence of fake gemstones in the market.
How to care for my Ruby ring/jewellery?
What are the different colour of rubies?
Can I wear my ruby jewellery every day?
What does Ruby symbolize?
What is the astrological relevance of a ruby?
Ruby can command the highest prices of any colored gemstone. The per-carat prices of fine-quality rubies have been rising consistently, many times breaking auction records.

Color Is The Most Important Quality Factor For Ruby
The finest ruby has a pure, vibrant red to slightly purplish red color. As the color becomes too orangy or more purplish, the ruby moves down in quality. The highest-quality rubies have vivid color saturation. The color must be neither too dark nor too light to be considered finest quality.

Clarity Refers To The Inclusions
People in the trade expect rubies to have at least some inclusions because inclusion-free rubies are rare. Ruby value depends on how visible the inclusions are. Obvious inclusions or inclusions that reduce transparency or brightness lower a ruby’s value dramatically.

Cut Is One Of The Most Important Factors In Appearance
Several factors affect the cut and proportion of rubies on the market. A ruby’s crystal shape dictates its suitability for certain cuts. The most common shape is a flat tabular hexagonal shape, but ruby crystals from some sources can be elongated.

Carat Weight Allows For Precise Measurements
Fine-quality rubies over one carat are very rare, but commercial-quality rubies are commonly available in a wide range of sizes. The price per carat goes up significantly for ruby as it increases in size.
1. Work with a jeweler you trust.
Judging the quality of ruby requires expertise. Look for gemological credentials. A jeweler who knows and loves ruby will have several to show you so you can see quality differences side by side.
2. Don't confuse origin with quality.
Even the best mines produce low-quality material. Where a ruby comes from is no guarantee of value or quality. Fine-quality rubies can come today from several countries.
3. Ask about treatment.
Most ruby has been heated, and some gems on the market also have had color diffused into the surface or fractures filled with lead glass to improve their appearance. When shopping, ask about treatment information included in writing.
4. When in doubt, get a lab report.
A report from an independent laboratory like can confirm that the ruby you are buying is natural and tell you whether there is evidence of treatment.
How to care for my Ruby ring/jewellery?
What are the different colour of rubies?
Can I wear my ruby jewellery every day?
What does Ruby symbolize?
What is the astrological relevance of a ruby?
Buy Certified Ruby

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