Perfection in gemstones is what everyone is looking for but not inclusion. Many people have a misconception regarding inclusions in gemstones yet the perfectness in a natural gemstone lies in the presence of inclusions. The flawless artificial enhanced gemstones have blinded the eyes of many people and made them think that flawless eye clean gemstones are the perfect ones. Indeed, the clean artificial gemstones may attract many people at a glance but it is always worth to have natural gemstones with inclusion. Natural beauty and quality matters in perfect gemstones. It is a sad thing that many people invest lots of money on artificial gemstones thinking the flawless gemstones are perfect, in fact they are of no value. Perfect gemstones will always have some flaws because they are natural.
If you are looking for perfect natural gemstones it is important to know about inclusions.
So, what are inclusions in gemstones?
Inclusions are the natural particle that is enclosed within a gemstone or reaching its surface from the interior that is included during its formation. They may be in the form of solid, liquid or gas. The bubble, cleavage, dendrite, feather, needle like, fluid, fractures, dark spots and flaws you see in gemstones are inclusions. They may be visible or invisible to the naked eye.
The amount of inclusion every gem carries depends on the mineral and its formation Coloured stones like Sapphires accept inclusions unlike Diamond and considered it as a high standard. The presence of golden needle like inclusion in quartz crystal enhances its value. Also, the presence of insect trapped in Amber increases its worth. So, it is fair to say that Mother Nature created every natural stone in its perfect and unique way. Some have beauty with external flaws and other internal flaws/inclusion. Each gemstone has its own characteristics and regardless of the different inclusions they carry, the uniqueness is seen in every gemstone. Inclusion also provides the proof of originality of a stone and its presence signifies that the gemstone is real and hasn’t gone to any chemical treatments. However, nature also produces some exceptional eye clean visible gemstones.
Gemstones like Amethyst, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald and many more are regarded to have little or more inclusions. But in some cases, the volume, location and density of inclusions may weaken the gemstone’s durability and affect the colour of gemstones, therefore reduce the value of the stone. That is why, less inclusion gemstones are considered better quality. But not all the clarity stone are natural. Some gemstones are artificially synthesized and enhanced in lab, in order to make the gemstones look beautiful and flawless. So, it is wise to consider the fact that flawless gemstones are rare and quite expensive.
Significance of Inclusions:
In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful- Alice Walker.
Likewise, the flaw gemstone carries is a sign of perfection. The flaw in the flawless gemstones simply means that the stone is natural. Inclusions are beautiful and make the gemstone attractive. The true essence of beauty in gemstones is in the inclusions. There is nothing more beautiful than a gemstone that carries some imperfection to be perfect. Moreover, it proves the quality and originality of the gemstones. But, if we remove the natural flaws with artificial treatment, it will devalue the stone. The stone may look clean but it will become a mere piece of artificial stone. Therefore, the presence of inclusion is not always bad and it signifies that a gemstone is natural and perfect.
Inclusions in a gemstone play an important role in it's identification. Most of the gemstone shall have some or the other inclusion which helps to understand whether a gem is natural, treated or if it is an imitation. So having inclusions in a gemstone is not a sign of worry but it may be an indication that a gemstone is natural and genuine.
Should you wear a treated gemstone?
The answer is no. Gemstones are being treated to enhance it colour and clarity, and sometimes durability as well. White, black, green, and poorly graded sapphires are beryllium treated to turn their unattractive colour to blue, so that they can be sold as blue sapphire. So, if you want to wear blue sapphire to get benefits from planet Sani aka Saturn, and if you wear a treated sapphire, you will not get desired results. The reason for that is the actual colour of the gem was not blue and which may lead to negative results as well.
We, at Gemkart, have always adhered to great gemstone quality as we bring you the best gemstones directly from the mines. You may visit our website or just give us a call on 9855568600 and we will help you with all your queries.