
Ruby is a natural occurring gemstone found in the Earth's core. It comes in various hues of red and it is one of the most valuable gemstone. This rare gem gets its colour from traces of the element chromium. Found in a variety of shades ranging from pink to a dark red, the blood red or the pigeon-blood shade of red holds the most premium place among other rubies. Rubies normally have inclusions and ones without it are very rare to find.
Ruby can command the highest price of all coloured stones.
Mogok mines in Myanmar (Burma) produces best rubies in the world.
Chinese Emperor
Kublai Khan had offered an entire city in exchange for a sizable ruby.
In the world of gemstones, ruby is considered king of all gemstones.
Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra
Species: Corundum
Composition: Al2O3, Aluminium Oxide
Crystal System: Trigonal
Colour: Red
Refractive Index: 1.760 -1.778
Specific Gravity: 3.99- 4.00
Fluorescence: Strong, Carmine red
Dispersion: 0.018
There are fragmented parts in an horoscope that require healing through gemstones and prayers. In ancient times, people wore ruby for protection, healing, and for seeing into the future. In ancient times, warriors used to carry ruby gemstone to win over their enemy. Those terms still stand today in modern times. Ruby represents the sun, which stands for authority, command, dedication, and passion. It leads to calm mind, stimulates the pineal gland, and detoxify the body. There are many benefits of wearing ruby in a ring finger. In a horoscope, if sun is weakly placed, or if there is need to strengthen the power of sun, then one is recommended to wear a ruby gemstone to grow, prosper in life. It is also a gemstone for love and passion, and this fascinating gem helps sore relationships to prosper and stay strong.
Gems & Astrology Effects of Ruby GemstoneFACTS
Species: Corundum
Composition: Al2O3, Aluminium Oxide
Crystal System: Trigonal
Colour: Red
Refractive Index: 1.760 -1.778
Specific Gravity: 3.99- 4.00
Fluorescence: Strong, Carmine red
Dispersion: 0.018

Its hardness on the Mohs scale stands at a striking 9/10, whereas the diamond stands at 10/10. Its resistance to scratches, makes it a good choice for everyday wear.
Symbolic meaning
Ruby has been considered a sign of romantic love for a long time. This king of gem also symbolizes passion, energy and success.
Astrological belief
Ancient priests and sorcerers honoured ruby above all gems, for this stone enabled them to interpret oracles and foretell the future. Ruby provide the one wearing it with mental strength and also bring in name and fame.
There are fragmented parts in an horoscope that require healing through gemstones and prayers. In ancient times, people wore ruby for protection, healing, and for seeing into the future. In ancient times, warriors used to carry ruby gemstone to win over their enemy. Those terms still stand today in modern times. Ruby represents the sun, which stands for authority, command, dedication, and passion. It leads to calm mind, stimulates the pineal gland, and detoxify the body. There are many benefits of wearing ruby in a ring finger. In a horoscope, if sun is weakly placed, or if there is need to strengthen the power of sun, then one is recommended to wear a ruby gemstone to grow, prosper in life. It is also a gemstone for love and passion, and this fascinating gem helps sore relationships to prosper and stay strong.
Gems & Astrology Effects of Ruby GemstoneTIPS AND ADVICE
The prices of fine-quality rubies have been breaking auction records.

Finest ruby has a pure, vibrant red to slightly purplish red hue. Medium to medium dark tones are preferred as long as the tone is not dark enough.

A natural ruby shall always have inclusions; one should look out for natural inclusions. Ruby with fewer inclusions are always preferred and rare. Clearer rubies are highly valuable and their price fetch multi million rupees.

Myanmar(Burma) is considered the finest source of rubies in the world. Their unique colour and glow make them rare and valuable. India, Mozambique, Kenya and Madagascar are some other important sources.

Certification of a gemstone based on parameters set by the gem industry is of outmost importance due to the presence of fake gemstones in the market.
How to care for my Ruby ring/jewellery?
What are the different colour of rubies?
Can I wear my ruby jewellery every day?
What does Ruby symbolize?
What are the benefits of wearing ruby in ring finger?
Ruby is a pink to blood red coloured cardinal gemstone. This gem can command higher prices than any other coloured gemstone. This rare and infinitely desirable gem is the traditional birthstone for July. These sparkling royal gems not only have an aesthetic value but also provide enormous benefits to the wearer.

This rare gem gets its colour from traces of the element, chromium. Found in a variety of shades, ranging from pink to a dark red, the blood red or the pigeon-blood shade of red holds the most premium place among rubies.

Rubies normally have inclusions and ones without it are very rare to find. The value of a ruby is directly affected by the visibility of the inclusions. Rubies with obviously visible inclusions fetch lower price than one with subtle ones.

Cut & Shape
Rubies can be cut into many shapes and sizes, the primary determinant being the structure of the crystal ruby. Fine quality rubies over a carat weight are rare to come by and hence the per carat rate goes up notably as the size increases. Oval is the most common shape found in rubies.

Treatments in rubies are very common for many decades. In fact most of the rubies available in the local market are treated in some or the other way. Rubies are being heated to get the intense red colour and to enhance the clarity. Flame fusion, and flux growth are two major processes to produce synthetic rubies.

The most famous source of fine rubies is the mining area of Mong Hsu and Mogok in Myanmar(Burma). Both these towns are located 350 kms distant from each other. Apart from Myanmar, fine rubies can also be found in Mozambique, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Namibia, Kenya, and India.
1. Buy from us and be sure.
It is difficult to identify a natural ruby from a treated ruby. At Gemkart, we have the gemmological expertise of more than 20 years. We have certified rubies which comes direct from the mines that carries Authentication Report based on the 'clarity & purity' standard. Each Gemkart and Vishhwas gemstone is selected by a gemologist and enlightened with Vedic mantras.
2. Buy only natural ruby
For astrology benefits from ruby, best results comes from untreated natural ruby. So one should buy and wear only natural and untreated ruby.
3. Look for origin and clarity.
Myanmar(Burma) produces some best rubies in the world. The rutile silk found in Burmese rubies produces fine red colour, which cannot be matched by any other ruby mine in the world. Check rubies from Myanmar and Muzambique for good clarity and fire.
4. When in doubt, get in touch with us.
We have a team of gemmology experts led Soli Sethi, who is a certified gemmologist and who has spent his life for gemstones. For any kind of help related to gemstones, you can write or call us.
How to care for my Ruby ring/jewellery?
What are the different colour of rubies?
Can I wear my ruby jewellery every day?
What does Ruby symbolize?
What are the benefits of wearing ruby in ring finger?
Buy Certified Ruby

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